4 Tips to Breastfeed Smoothly and Comfortably during Going Hometown

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Susu untuk Ibu Menyusui agar Bayi Cepat Gemuk dan Sehat

While going hometown, some Mommies are facing difficulties to breastfeed their babies. No need to worry because this article will discuss the breastfeeding tips anywhere and anytime. 

When breastfeeding in public transport, Mommy is required to prepare a sling or a special cover so that the people will not be able to see the breasts directly. 

Secondly, Mommy can also be more comfortable when breastfeeding the baby in public transport by using a simple bra with comfortable fabric. Mommy is advised not to wear a bra which is not sweat absorbent because Mommy would feel uncomfortable being in a crowded public transport, especially when going hometown. 

Furthermore, if Mommy is using public transport, such as buses or trains, then Mommy is required to look for a space that is convenient for breastfeeding. Select a relatively enclosed and hidden place so that other passengers could not directly see the Mommy while breastfeeding.