Get to Know More About Baby Blues Syndrome

Written by: Redaksi

Baby Blues Syndrome, Kondisi Emosional Ibu Pascamelahirkan

After experiencing the pregnancy period which is followed by childbirth, of course you feel happy and relieved. Now your dearest baby has been born and will accompany Mommy’s days as a mother. But a few days after giving birth, you may start feeling sad, upset and tired. These symptoms generally appear in the first 14 days after childbirth, and likely to deteriorate in 3-4 days of postpartum; these feelings tend to be experienced by approximately 60-80 percent of women who recently becomes a mother.

This is called Baby Blues Syndrome or commonly known as Postpartum Distress Syndrome. Significant changes in hormone levels after childbirth are the trigger for Baby Blues Syndrome. Decreased levels of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones produced by the thyroid gland will cause mothers often experience fatigue, depression and mood decline. But if you have experienced it over 14 days then it is better to consult a doctor immediately, because it might become Postpartum Depression (feeling depressed with higher level than the Baby Blues Syndrome).

Lifestyle changes due to lack of rest since the mothers need to take care and watch over the baby all the time is also a factor in the Baby Blues Syndrome. Moreover, new mothers may be unfamiliar and still have to adapt to these activities.

Baby Blues Syndrome will usually experience the following symptoms:

  1. The sadness and depression will make mothers cry frequently. 
  2. The emotions are uncertain and so sensitive; Mommy easily gets mad, irritated, and lose the temper. 
  3. Mommy often feels fatigue and headache. 
  4. Mommy often feels less confident.
  5. Mommy often feels anxious. 
  6. Have difficulty in taking rest or insomnia.
  7. Often experience the fear of many things.

Baby Blues Syndrome is a natural thing happening during postpartum period. However, it is quite disturbing for the mother. Therefore, the support of the husband is also important in keeping the mother’s mood by giving more attention and affection as well as cooperate in taking care for the baby so the new mother will not experience excessive fatigue.