Benefits of having intimate relations during pregnancy for childbirth

Written by: Redaksi

Manfaat Berhubungan Intim Saat Hamil untuk Persalinan

In general, sexual intercourse gives positive impact on our bodies both physically and mentally. But mommy should know that sex during pregnancy also has more benefits especially when performed during pregnancy before the birth. Based on the research, it is known that having sex during pregnancy, especially in the final months as the eighth and ninth month can help set the way for the baby so as to expedite the process of childbirth. For that reason, Mommy is expected to consider coitus during pregnancy before the birth because it has a huge benefit for childbirth.

When the woman is pregnant, sex is rather inconvenient, especially if it is done with the missionary position. But taking into account the benefits for childbirth, many women are then keen to try it. Not without a reason why many women have sex while pregnant could help the delivery process faster.

When a person is having an intercourse, there will be a lot of hormones released. Hormones such as endorphins, oxytocin, and also DHEA are released through the section called pituitary. Well, the oxytocin hormone is the hormone that is useful to encourage the deployment of muscle fibers which were widely used during a contraction.

And what about the other hormones? What Mommy needs to know is that hormones such as endorphin is a type of hormone that is useful to make the body more relaxed so Mommy’s mind can remain calm and not tense even though the labor is getting closer. While hormone DHEA itself, is a hormone that is very useful to strengthen bones and muscles. Of course when facing the delivery process Mommy must have strong bones and muscles.

8 months of pregnancy can be a starting point for Mommy to further improve sexual intercourse with her husband. And if mommy is a bit afraid to do so, on mommy’s pregnancy before the birth, on 9 months pregnancy, Mommy can reduce sexual activity gradually. But keep in mind is do not quit entirely because of intercourses that made in previous months certainly will not bring benefits to mommy.

At the time of labor process, hormones in the body Mommy will begin unbalanced, especially hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. And this is what causes a lot of oxytocin hormone released by the body then raises contractions in the form of Braxton Hicks that becomes the dominating force at the time of delivery.

This contraction might be similar with the contractions felt during sexual intercourse because of hormones released are exactly the same as hormones that Mommy releases on labor. So now Mommy already knows that sex during pregnancy is not harmful and actually useful.