Characteristics of Expired Breast Milk and Side Effects for Babies

Written by: Redaksi

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Breast milk that is stored to be given later to the baby can sometimes become stale, so it cannot be drunk to him. The characteristics of stale breast milk can be seen from its texture which tends to curdle, and also changes in aroma, color and taste. Come on, Mom, find out more about the characteristics of expired breast milk in the following article.

Can breast milk go stale?

The question that often arises in the minds of mothers who are breastfeeding for the first time is "Can breast milk go bad in the breast?" and the answer is no. The breast milk contained in the mother's body will never go stale, because in breast milk there are good bacteria that will kill bad bacteria in the breast and keep it fresh.

However, when a mother expresses breast milk without paying attention to how it is stored, it has the potential to become stale because of the presence of bacteria that can trigger spoilage. Expired breast milk is no longer good for babies to consume. Therefore, mothers must know how to store it properly.

A simple step to prevent spoiled breast milk is to put it in a special sterile and tightly closed container. Then, pay attention to the storage temperature. If you store it at room temperature 25 degrees Celsius, breast milk can last for 4 hours. While frozen, breast milk can last for 2 weeks.

Characteristics of Stale Breast Milk

To ensure that your breast milk is still of good quality, you need to know the characteristics of breast milk that has gone stale. The following are the characteristics:

The texture of breast milk tends to curdle, and the clumps cannot dissolve, even after stirring.
There was a fishy aroma.
Colors that are initially white or yellowish tend to become darker and look less fresh.
The taste becomes sour, because breast milk has been contaminated by bacteria so the taste is affected.
By paying attention to these signs, mothers can prevent their babies from drinking stale breast milk which is not good for their bodies and thus avoid diseases that can hinder their growth.

Effects of Stale Breast Milk on Babies

Mother, expired breast milk is very dangerous for babies because there are various negative effects that can occur on their body and health. The following is the explanation.

Risk of Gastrointestinal Infection

Based on research published on the Unair website, breast milk that is stored for a long time can be contaminated by various bacteria. One of them is E. coli. This bacteria can cause digestive tract infections such as diarrhea.

If a baby has diarrhea, he will become more fussy and become dehydrated. Because, a lot of fluid comes out of his body. If something like this happens, immediately take it to the doctor so the baby can get help.

Therefore, mothers must be careful when giving breast milk to babies. Pay attention to how to store breast milk, so that dangerous bacteria do not easily enter and damage its quality.

Disrupting Baby's Health

Apart from E. coli bacteria, another bacteria to watch out for is Cronobacter sakazakii which can cause babies to contract meningitis. This disease is very dangerous because it can cause brain damage, seizures and blindness.

Then, another health problem is fever. An increase in body temperature in babies is the body's natural response due to bacterial attacks from stale breast milk. If the fever continues to increase for a long time, immediately consult a doctor because this could be an early symptom of a serious illness.

Not only that, baby skin can also cause rashes. Because expired breast milk contains Staphylococcus bacteria which can cause skin infections. This disease attacks babies very easily because their immunity is not yet perfect.

Disrupts the Growth and Development of Babies

Good quality breast milk contains many nutrients that are beneficial for the baby's growth and development. Examples are lactose which is a source of energy for the brain, nucleotides which are useful for intestinal growth and maturity, and calcium for the growth of muscle and skeletal tissue.

However, these nutrients can disappear due to several factors. First, storing expressed breast milk for too long. Second, the storage temperature of breast milk is wrong and causes the breast milk to become stale. Lastly, the wrong way of serving it can result in the protein in the milk being damaged.

As a result, the baby's weight is low, brain development is not optimal and body growth is slower than babies who receive quality breast milk. For this reason, mothers must pay attention to the quality of the breast milk given to their babies, so that they can grow healthily.

The way to maintain the quality of a mother's breast milk is to ensure that breast milk is stored properly and hygienic. Apart from that, the food you consume is nutritionally adequate and healthy. Come on, find out what nutritional content mothers should consume to improve the quality of breast milk here: Milk Ingredients for Breastfeeding Mothers to ensure Quality Breast Milk.