Feeling Itchy During Pregnancy? Here's How to Solve It!

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Cara Mengatasi Gatal-Gatal saat Hamil Secara Alami

Complaints and disorders during pregnancy that may happen in the first trimester until the final trimester of pregnancy are quite a lot and one that feels quite disturbing is itching. Of 1000 pregnancies occur, there are about 14% of pregnant women who experience this itchy problem. Although quite vulnerable and feels quite disturbing, mommy does not to worry too much because it could be anticipated as long as we know the trigger.

Experts say that these problems are often associated with skin disorders and to cope with pregnancy disorders such as itching is actually quite easy. Immediately consult the obstetrician if itching occurs during the pregnancy. 

Dr. Dian Pratama, SpOG, MM., M. Kes said that there was some kind of itching that can affect pregnant mothers, one of the most potential is the kind of itching called Pruitus. What is pruitus? This is an itching sensation felt by pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Itching may be very disturbing that mommy wants to scratch it. 

Itching like this would cause discomfort that affects mommy during pregnancy. Mommy becomes unable to perform daily activities with ease. In addition, when itching is scratched continuously will cause skin irritation and ultimately can make the inflammation or wound. 

Dr. Tjoet Jacoeb SpKK Nurul Alam, said that itching disorder is very often felt by women. The reason is because they often take a shower for too long, wrong use of body scrub during shower or too much wrong consumption of drugs. 

He also gave tips for mommy having problems with this itching. The trick is to stop activities that could trigger itching. If mommy likes to drink vitamins or supplements for pregnant women, they might cause this itching disorder. Discontinue the use of supplements that can trigger the  occurrence of itching.

Other factors that can trigger itching is the increase of hormone estrogen in the body. It will trigger a rise in serum bile and the result is the body becomes susceptible to itching. If the symptoms of itching is more severe, do not hesitate to consult the doctor to overcome this pregnancy disorder.