Healthy Pregnancy Tips for Pregnant Women with Pets

Written by: Redaksi

Tips Menjaga Kehamilan Ibu yang Punya Hewan Peliharaan

Having a pet at home for some people is fun and maybe mommy is one of the people who love pets. Although fun, there are a lot of people who say that pets are dangerous for pregnant women, especially for mommy who want to maintain the pregnancy badly. Is it true that animals have a negative effect on mommy’s pregnancy? This is the answer from a medical expert related to it.

Dr. Indra N.C. Anwar, SpOG says that pets have parasites in their body. These parasites can enter the human body if mommy frequently has contacts with their pets. For mommy who loves to touch and hold their pets should pay more attention. Dr. Indra also recommends mommy having a pet for a TORCH test.

By maintaining the pregnancy through the TORCH test, the pregnancy status will be completely identified, whether it is qualified as a healthy pregnancy. Having a pet is fun but we also need to know the negative sides. Do not let mommy’s passion in animals make mommy forget the condition of the fetus.  

The fetus is very sensitive to bacteria, viruses, and germs. Based on the results of research conducted at the Lotus Facility Clinic, Gading  Pluit Hospital in Jakarta, some pets such as dogs and cats, turned out to have parasites in the form of spores. Where is the parasite? It is located in the feces and saliva of the pet. Well, for mommy who frequently interacts with pets, hold yourself and be more concerned to the fetus in mommy’s womb. 

How to maintain the pregnancy in order to remain secure is actually quite easy. Although mommy associated with a pet, there are still things that can be done to maintain the health of the fetus. One way is to clean up the limbs mommy after making contact with the animal. But mommy needs to know that this method is actually not very effective.

Because nearly 90% of women who come into contact with animals infected by Toxoplasma and this can make them have an enlarged lymph and also spots during pregnancy. Dr. Indra advised to maintain a healthy pregnancy should not be used to interact with pets. Because if it is infected with Toxoplasma, will trigger a great danger until it can threaten the fetus is in the womb mommy later.