Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Newborns with Love

Written by: Redaksi

Panduan Merawat Bayi Baru Lahir yang Wajib Ibu Tahu

Mommy must be very happy at the moment of hugging the baby for the first time. Pregnancy struggle for nine months with difficult conditions, ranging from weight gain, difficulty sleeping, is over. Mommy can see the brightness in the baby’s eyes. Mommy must have been very grateful and happy when the baby who is long-awaited, together with the husband, is finally be born in the world with healthily and safe.

Now Mommy has a different task from the tasks during pregnancy. Mommy used to carry the baby in the womb everywhere, now Mommy needs to take care of the baby with love and carefulness, because the baby is still very weak and sensitive. He is still in the process of adaptation to environmental conditions which are very different from conditions in the womb. 

Careful and Correct 

Some Mommies may feel relaxed because there are relatives who can take care of the baby during postpartum when Mommy is still weak. However, Mommy still has to learn how to care for the baby.

Of course, the baby needs a lot of attention and direct touch of his mother, and he will get them if Mommy gives caring herself. Sense of touch, voice, and eye contact will be very meaningful for the baby until he has grown up. Therefore, Mommy needs to learn to take care of the baby from those who are experienced. Moreover, the baby is still very young, so Mommy has to be extra vigilant.

Here are some tips on caring for the baby in the beginning of life:

When the baby's umbilical cord is still attached to the belly, it is recommended not to bathe the baby directly into the tub. It is of course to avoid the umbilical cord exposed to water for too long. To that end, just wipe the baby by using soft and warm towel. Clean the baby's body regularly and thoroughly. Also clean the umbilical cord which is still hanging softly to avoid infection.

As recommended by the doctor, leave the umbilical cord open to avoid moisture and become a hotbed of bacteria. If the umbilical cord is recommended to be closed, then cover it with sterile gauze.

Apply the telon oil all over the baby’s body carefully. Telon oil is fit for the baby. Besides warm, the aroma of telon oil can also  repel mosquitoes.

If Mommy wants to put the first layer with gurita, wear it with a bond which is not too tight. If Mommy tie the gurita too tightly, it will affect the growth of the baby. Wear the gurita for the baby so that the baby is warm and protected. 

Wear comfortable clothes which absorb the sweat. When the weather is hot, choose a sleeveless dress. But Mommy shouldn’t use the fan to get rid of the heat because this will only make the baby easy to catch cold. 

Clean up carefully when the baby urinates and defecates in order to prevent the baby from irritants and bacteria around the vital organ. 

Good Luck!