Tips on Making Charaben to Encourage Children to Eat

Written by: Amicis

Tips Membuat Charaben Agar Anak Gampang Makan

Are Mommy’s children difficult to eat? This is a common problem faced by many Mommies in Indonesia and other countries. However, Mommies from Japan have found a way to make the children love eating by making the food more appealing called Charaben. 

Unique and Cute Charaben


To make the children's food unique and cute, or called Charaben, the first important thing to consider is the food display design. Animals, vehicles or plants could be good options to design foods that will be served for the children. 

However, if Mommy wants to make Charaben more appealing, Mommy can use favorite animated characters or characters from children's films are preferred. For example, if the children love Naruto, Mommy can make the Charaben with the Naruto’s face or ninja’s emblem as existed in Naruto’s headband. 

Another important point is prioritizing one type of food by using design. Because many children do not like to eat vegetables, then it would be better if the vegetables in Charaben are formed in the most attractive way.  Taking Naruto as an example, we can shape the vegetables referring to the character’s face and meat and rice as the background. 

If Mommy wants to make Charaben for school meals, the portion and the design must be adjusted beforehand to fit in the child’s lunch box. And it would be better if Mommy make it by herself so the child will be surprised when opening the lunch box and see the Charaben design that he likes. This method will make the child eat easily. 

Most importantly, make sure the ingredients that Mommy created into Charaben have high  nutrition and vitamins, clean, and hygienic. So, when the child is eating the Charaben, he will get all the nutrition. 


Sample Recipe of Charaben


There are many types and tips to make Charaben that Mommy can use. The following is one of the sample recipe of Charaben, called the Sleeping Bear. 

Prepare white rice, omelet, sliced cheese, stewed carrots and broccoli, sausage and chicken nuggets.

First, make the white rice to following the shape of a bear. No need to form such a real bear, just like a teddy bear. 

On the belly and mouth, put the rounded-cut sliced cheese.  

The eyes and mouth can be made by giving soy sauce. Make them directly on the plate for the easy presentation.

Cut the stewed carrots in slices and put them under the head of the bear, as a pillow.

Put the sausages and chicken nuggets on the right and left sides of the bear as bolsters.

Cover the body of the bear with a fried egg and don’t cover the head. 

Put the broccoli around the bear as decoration.

For accessories, Mommy can make writing or cute drawing on the omelet with tomato sauce or soy sauce. 

Charaben for Mommy’s child is ready to be eaten. Good luck.